International Association for Peace
and Economic Development (IAED)
Business leadership has contributed to making the world a safer, more secure, more affluent place to live, reducing poverty and creating opportunities for more people than have existed at any time in human history, driving innovations that have reduced famine, improved health care and built a travel and communications network knitting our world together in ways unimaginable even few decades ago. We believe the private sector has an increasingly vital role to play to support human flourishing and address transnational critical challenges.
IAED offers business leaders and the economic sector a connecting point to a growing global interdisciplinary movement to usher in an era of mutual prosperity and real change.
About IAED
Our Mission
To attract and develop innovative business, government, and economic thought leaders who can collectively impact society through collaboration, education, personal development, and deepened relationships that lead to the creation of a global environment conducive to mutual prosperity.
Who We Are
The International Association for Peace and Economic Development (IAED) was launched at the World Summit 2020 in Seoul Korea by the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) Co-Founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. The Summit gathered over 5,000 delegates under the theme of Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity, and Universally Shared Values. Guided by the vision of the founders that we are “one family under God” attendees at the IAED Conference signed an Inaugural Resolution that read in part:
“We affirm our belief that business leaders have the opportunity and responsibility to work in collaboration with other sectors of society to make the world a better place, addressing its most significant challenges, and promoting world peace, long-term mutual prosperity and truly sustainable development.”
Our Vision
A world where freedom, peace, unity, and happiness will flourish as economic development aligns with a spiritual and ethical purpose.
What We Do
Rooted in the principles of UPF and the belief that business can be a much-needed force for good, IAED seeks to build a network of business, government, and economic thought leaders committed to driving economic development toward establishing a global environment of interdependence and mutual prosperity. IAED works to achieve its goals in three ways:
By providing access to leading-edge thought leadership, educational programs, shared resources, and business tools to entrepreneurs and business leaders who are striving to not only build successful businesses but also make a difference in people’s lives, leaving a legacy of good.
By building a global community of business people who connect with each other – and with the larger UPF network of current and former heads of state, parliamentarians, academicians, and religious leaders – to contribute their unique values toward substantially realizing the noble vision of world peace and development.
By developing and expanding the IAED “entity” to facilitate tangible programs in disadvantaged areas around the world. Such programs may include the support of risk-taking investments, public-private partnerships, and corporate social-responsibility programs that improve the lives of people through addressing the problems of inequality, injustice, environmental degradation, and human poverty.
Upcoming IAED Events
Past IAED Programs
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